As a horizontal skewering function of the DxMT project, it serves as an engine to promote the project through the development and sharing of common technical issues, public relations, and human resource development across the five centers. The common issues include the promotion of research DX and data-driven and computational infrastructure, and the working group will play a central role in collaborating with the five centers to resolve the common technical issues. In the promotion of research DX, we will use the research data collection and structuring system called RDE developed by NIMS to analyze the entire research flow and promote digitization. In the Data Driven and Computational Infrastructure, we will develop feature extraction technology focusing on the structure of materials in order to utilize data across domains. Through these activities, we aim to utilize data across the five centers and create results that transcend the domain.We will promote the DX of materials research in Japan as a keystone for collaboration with ARIM and the Data Core Institute (DICE), which comprise the Materials DX Platform Construction Project.